Recruitment cum Development Officer
LIC of India
9824769479 (M)
Email: harshvardhanoza@gmail.com
About ACE LIC Advisor
ACE LIC Advisor is an Amazing Opportunity for Millennial & Generation Z in order to start up their Business Career under the Prestigious Banner of Country’s Biggest Insurance Company LIC of India.
The main purpose is to enhance the Income & Living Standard of those who are joining as ACE LIC Advisor via Innovative Training and Disciplinary Working Method. The Techniques taught or discussed in Training are different
from Conventional Method of Working.
To stay ahead in current changing Scenario such Training or Working Methods are very much essential. Both Immediate & Royalty Income can be earned under this Profile.
Why Start Up is Important
“Million Miles of Journey Starts
From a Single Step.”
Setting up New Business is very
Innovative Approach rather than
working for Others. Start up of
New Business gives you the
Momentum towards Achievement
of your Goals in Life.
Why Early Start Up is Needed
“The Sooner The Better.”
Looking at the Current Job Scenario it is Advisable to Start Up your Own Business & Employ Other People under Your Leadership. In this Process You can become an Entrepreneur. If you understand this concept you should start your Journey of setting up New Business at an early Stage without wasting much time. At an early stage of Life you have more Time to Experiment, Adapt or Change in your Business. Those are not easy for Late Comers.
ACE LIC Advisor is nothing but the process via which business minded people can Develop & Convert themselves as Successful Entrepreneur.
Why Start Up as LIC Advisor
“Identify The Best & Work with
We all know that Life Insurance Corporation of India is the Mammoth Organization in Insurance Industry. LIC of India provides Opportunity for Fresh Graduates, Post Graduates or MBAs who are Ambitious to become Entrepreneur.
In this Profession you can earn Unlimited Early Income as well as Hereditary Income for yourself and for Your Family in your Absence. LIC Advisor is the person who advises Life Insurance Planning to the People of various segments of the Society in order to protect their Financial Status from Unforeseen Events like Disability or Death.
Job Profile of LIC Advisor
The Main Duties of LIC Advisor are
as follows……
Prospecting: Identifying interested people & fix a suitable time to meet them.
Need Analysis: Analyzing both Need & Role of Insurance in the Life of people with whom appointment is xed based upon their Family Responsibilities & Financial Capacity.
Plan Presentation & Closing: Providing suitable solution as Insurance Plan depending upon the Need Analysis. Closing the Sale by accepting required Premium for the Insurance Plan.
After Sales Service: Providing ecient After Sales Service to the people as per their Needs & Claim Settlement both in the case of Maturity as well as Death.
Remuneration & Other Benefits
Both Financial & Non Financial
Benefits are provided to LIC